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Let's talk caviar

I originally posted this on my site but I don't think some of you follow me there so would have missed out on this. 

If you don’t know I’m all about the shit. Seriously though I’ve been doing this a long time. I’ve fed and played with many submissives and will hopefully continue to do so in the future. However, I want to put a couple of things out there since I feel like a broken record. Hardsports/Scat is meant to be fun like anything else that falls under the kink and fetish umbrella. So whether you see me or someone else, I want you to have fun and remain safe. So here are a few tips and just some of my own personal pet peeves in no particular order.

  • Booking a toilet session is not the equivalent of going to a steak house. You do not get to request the texture, consistency and size. Anyone who contacts me doing this is a firm to hard pass.
  • Shippables – I know some of you like to receive goodies in the mail via various sites. A container of raw caviar is totally fine if you just plan to sniff it, wank to it or just have it on the body. What you don’t want to do is consume it. By the time that bad boy has been delivered to you, bacteria has multiplied therefore it is no longer safe for consumption. So unless you want to play puke roulette, I suggest you stick to just playing with it.
  • Pack a toiletry bag for in-person sessions. If you love scat then I suggest you get yourself a strong fragranced shower gel and cocoa butter. It will really help in masking the smell if you enjoy smearing it on the body. Now if you’re consuming, get yourself some mints and mouth wash. You should never brush your teeth after a consumption session due to potentially pushing bacteria into your gums which can lead to gingivitis.
  • Eat smelly food. You will at some point after your play date burp. Let me tell you, it won’t be pleasant. So in order to help with masking the smell, eat smelly food.
  • Do not eat a large meal just before a consumption session. I’ve seen this go wrong so many times. You end up either too full to consume what I consider to be a decent amount or, you end up gagging until you’re sick. That’s a lot of sick for YOU to clean up. So by all means line your stomach but not to the point where it impacts play. Unless Roman Showers is your thing.
  • Be realistic! Just because you saw a toilet slave in a clip consume vast quantities doesn’t mean you can. That slave has likely been training a very long time. Don’t get me wrong, I have had some very determined newbies however, they are few and far between. Your first time isn’t going to be easy or like the porn you watched. What you have failed to factor in during your fantasy is the smell, taste and texture. Not to mention your own nervous disposition. Smelling your own is one thing, smelling someone else’s is a whole different ball game. It’s not called toilet training for no reason.
  • Are you hoping to consume or do you just want it on the body? If you’re new to this, it’s something to think about. Consumption isn’t for everyone. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the feeling/connection/humiliation/degradation of it by having it on the body. Plus, you still get an amazing view. Add in smearing and it’s a whole different kind of fun.
  • Just because our genitals are near your face doesn’t give you the right to touch. Keep your hands and tongue to yourself unless the other party has specified otherwise.
  • STIs/STD’s and COVID – If you didn’t know STIs and STDs can be transmitted by the fecal-oral route. This doesn’t just mean consumption, it includes rimming. Therefore, it’s essential to know that the person you’re playing with is safe. A new development in relation to COVID 19 is that it may lead to intestinal infection. Even if you’re Asymptomatic, covid has been found to linger for longer in the digestive tract and in excrement. So something to take into consideration during these weird and wonderful times. Please note, I am not a doctor. So feel free to do your own research and speak to a medical professional if you have any concerns.
  • Shitting on demand is just not a thing. If you’re given a time then that’s the time. Just because 2pm or 4am suits your schedule doesn’t mean it will suit mine or anyone else’s. I am not going to mess up my bodies routine to suit your needs. Plus, have you ever felt the discomfort of having to hold? It’s not nice buddy.

There are some health benefits so it’s not all doom and gloom.

These are just a few tips and annoyances that come to mind. I know I have probably missed a ton and they will come to me in the wee hours of the morning. It has been a while since I have had to blow the dust off my brain so I will likely update this at a later day or just do a part 2. Feel free to comment below with any questions or tips of your own. It might help a fellow kinkster.


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